
In Brazil, it is estimated that the construction sector accounts for one-third of the country's total emissions. According to the 2022 Global Status Report on Buildings and Construction, the sector was responsible for about 37% of CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) emissions related to energy and processes...

Recently, we emphasized Forest Management as a crucial strategy for the protection of conservation areas, the planting of native species, the promotion of sustainable use of natural resources, and forest certification. This ensures that we continue to obtain forest products for economic purposes without causing...

The Amazon Sustainable Forestry Brazil (ASF Brazil) is a company specializing in Sustainable Forest Management in the Amazon region. In partnership with Canopée, ASF Brazil leads an exemplary sustainable forest management project in the areas of the REDD+ Yuxibu Project, located in the state of...

What happens to a company or organization that lacks proper resource management? The answer is simple and straightforward: a company without good management does not survive in the market. Unfortunately, this is what happens to thousands of companies that cease their activities every year. The issue...

Canopée Environmental Management is honored to announce its official membership in the Brazil Climate, Forests, and Agriculture Coalition. Joining this movement is a significant milestone in our commitment to environmental preservation and sustainable development. Through this participation, Canopée joins over 300 representatives from the private sector,...

Discover why agribusiness has become a key player in mitigating climate effects The regulation of the carbon market began in 2015 when it was incorporated into the Paris Agreement, and its final details were agreed upon during the Conference on Climate Change (COP26) in November 2021....

In January of this year, 2023, there was a positive development indicating increased awareness of the importance and preservation of the Amazon. The National Institute for Space Research (INPE) reported a 61% reduction in deforestation compared to January 2022 in the so-called "Legal Amazon." The...

When we talk about the amount of "one carbon credit," you can automatically imagine that this equals one ton of carbon dioxide—or other greenhouse gases—that has been prevented from being emitted into the atmosphere. That's a significant amount! Typically, companies emit not just one ton but...