ASF Brazil and Canopée – Sustainable Forest Management in REDD+ Yuxibu Project


ASF Brazil and Canopée – Sustainable Forest Management in REDD+ Yuxibu Project

The Amazon Sustainable Forestry Brazil (ASF Brazil) is a company specializing in Sustainable Forest Management in the Amazon region. In partnership with Canopée, ASF Brazil leads an exemplary sustainable forest management project in the areas of the REDD+ Yuxibu Project, located in the state of Acre.

What is Sustainable Forest Management?

Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) is an approach that seeks to reconcile the economic use of forest resources with forest conservation and its ecosystem services, ensuring its sustainability. This practice is a significant ally in REDD+ projects (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation), which aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Tropical forests, such as the Amazon, play a crucial role in climate balance, maintaining the hydrological cycle, and carbon retention. SFM, when carried out responsibly, contributes to combating deforestation and carbon conservation, maintaining the structure and functionality of the forest, as evidenced by a study published in the journal Nature in 2018 by Harris et al. Additionally, reforestation, a common practice in sustainable management, strengthens the capacity of forests to absorb and store atmospheric carbon, an essential measure to mitigate climate change.

By adopting SFM, it is possible to obtain forest products legally and sustainably, driving the socio-economic development of local communities and offering environmentally responsible income and employment alternatives.

SFM in the Yuxibu Project:

In the REDD+ Yuxibu Project, which covers more than 15,900 hectares of forest in the Amazon, ASF Brazil and Canopée implement advanced sustainable forest management techniques. This includes detailed planning, the use of selective logging practices, reforestation, continuous monitoring, biodiversity conservation, respect for the rights of local communities, certification and traceability, environmental education, and training. These practices ensure the responsible use of timber resources, minimizing the impact on the forest and promoting its natural recovery.

In addition to environmental benefits, sustainable forest management in the Yuxibu Project generates positive socio-economic impacts. The implementation of responsible practices for timber resource extraction provides jobs and income for local communities, strengthening the regional economy and improving the quality of life for those dependent on forest resources.

The actions of ASF Brazil and Canopée in the Yuxibu Project are an inspiring example of how sustainable forest management can be a viable solution for the protection of the Amazon and the socio-economic development of the region. These initiatives demonstrate that it is possible to reconcile biodiversity conservation, income generation, and the promotion of a green economy based on forest resources.