Erick Jacquin receives carbon neutrality certificates from Canopée for his enterprises


Erick Jacquin receives carbon neutrality certificates from Canopée for his enterprises

The chef, who has just received the carbon-neutral seal for six of his enterprises, made sure that his new establishment would be inaugurated by neutralizing its CO2 emissions.

Erick Jacquin (57), a chef, entrepreneur, and judge on MasterChef Brazil, reopened his restaurant Cinq Restaurante, formerly known as Buteco do Jacquin, in December. He insisted on starting operations with a monitoring process in which his Carbon Footprint and environmental impact will be analyzed. This ensures that his CO2 emissions are accurately quantified and neutralized.

Six ventures within the JL Group, certified in October 2022—Président, Bistrô Ça-Va, Buteco do Jacquin (Cinq Restaurante), Lvtetia, Delivery Jojô, and Président Eventos—received plaques with Certificates of Neutralization and Preservation during the reopening event. Jacquin, in addition to acquiring credits to neutralize his activities, also invested in voluntary preservation credits. This means supporting the funding, maintenance, and protection of two hectares of forest in the Amazon biome.

The chef aims for 100% of his properties to be “carbon neutral,” meaning they do not increase the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, resulting in a “net-zero” impact on global warming.

To neutralize his activities, the chef opted for compensation through the acquisition of carbon credits, investing in the REDD+ Yuxibu project, which takes care of the Amazon rainforest and its guardian communities. This system facilitates the exchange between those generating carbon credits by reducing emissions and those needing to offset their residual emissions.

The process begins with quantifying carbon dioxide emitted from various activities such as energy consumption, water use, and transportation. This includes assessing both direct and indirect emissions of greenhouse gases from an activity. After mapping all emission sources and calculating their impacts, a Greenhouse Gas Inventory is created. This inventory serves as a guide for adopting effective strategies for carbon reduction and neutralization.

In the case of Chef Jacquin, both the inventory and decarbonization of his ventures are conducted by Canopée Gestão Ambiental, a climatech that, through its REDD+ projects, conserves forest areas in the Amazon biome, positively impacting the lives of local communities and generating carbon credits. To ensure real and efficient results, Canopée’s activities are audited and certified end-to-end by Bureau Veritas, an organization internationally recognized.

The use of renewable energy sources, waste and water resource management programs, greenhouse gas emission control, deforestation prevention, and actions related to climate change are part of ESG best practices and projects.

Companies, whether large, medium, or small, can invest in carbon reduction and offsetting, neutralizing their emissions and mitigating their impacts. It was this concern that led Jacquin to strive to decarbonize all his ventures.