Drop in deforestation levels in the last months of 2020


Feb 25 Deforestation levels drop in the last months of 2020

Deforestation in the Amazon fell by 70% in January of this year (2021). The month of January had the smallest area of ​​deforestation alerts in the Legal Amazon in the last four years. The considerable reduction occurs, however, compared to the record-breaking January of 2020, with more than 280 km² of deforestation. Inpe recorded around 85.7 km² of destruction in January 2021, the lowest value since 2017. The information was released on February 12, in Brasília, by the Ministry of Defense, with data from the National Institute for Space Research (Inpe).

According to the data analyzed, in the last six months, deforestation alerts have reduced by 21%. “Between August 2020 and January 2021, there was a reduction of 988 km² in alerts, according to data from INPE. For comparison purposes, this is an area larger than the urban area of ​​the city of São Paulo – the largest urban center in the country with approximately 950 km²”, reported the Ministry of Defense.

These data demonstrate “the good performance” of the integrated work coordinated by the National Council of the Legal Amazon in the region, mainly through Operation Verde Brasil 2, which was launched on May 11, 2020 to combat outbreaks of fire, deforestation and illegal mining in the Legal Amazon region.

The Operation is coordinated by the Joint Operations Center of the Ministry of Defense and has the support of the Northern Joint Command (CCjN), the Amazon Joint Command (CCjA), the Western Joint Command (CCjO) and the Aerospace Operations Command (Comae), of the Brazilian Air Force (FAB).

Verde Brasil 2 is also an integrated effort with agents from the Federal Police, the Federal Highway Police, the National Public Security Force, the Brazilian Intelligence Agency (Abin), as well as members of the Management and Operations Center of the Amazon Protection System (Censipam), the Brazilian Institute of the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (Ibama) and the Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation (ICMbio).

From the beginning of the operation in May 2020 until January of this year, 331 thousand cubic meters of wood, 1,699 vessels, 326 tractors and 20 airplanes/helicopters were seized, resulting in the application of 4,842 fines totaling R$3.33 billion.

The council's actions aim to optimize field teams through the technical-scientific work of analysts from government agencies gathered at the Management and Operational Center of the Amazon Protection System (Censipam), in Brasília, which is subordinate to the Ministry of Defense.

Recently, Hamilton Mourão, vice president and head of the Amazon Council, announced the end of Operation Verde Brasil 2 as of May 1. From May 15, 2020 to January 30 of this year, the operation cost around R$400 million, a figure much higher than Ibama's budget for environmental inspections throughout the country.

According to Mourão, throughout the military's operation, a concentration of environmental crimes, such as illegal deforestation, was observed in a group of municipalities. The vice president did not say which ones. The data made available weekly by Inpe allows the verification of municipalities with the highest deforestation rates.

Experts consider the withdrawal of the military from inspection actions in the Amazon to be positive, considering the cost and questionable effectiveness of the same. In addition, they emphasize that the activity of inspection is the responsibility of environmental agencies that already have experience in the area. The Army, in any case, could be used to support certain actions in the field.


In January, the Amazon sees a drop of around 70% in deforestation alerts. Folhapress, 02/12/2021. Available at: In January, the Amazon sees a drop of around 70% in deforestation alerts | Valor (globo.com). Accessed on 02/19/2021.

Deforestation in the Amazon drops by 70% in January, says government. Agência Brasil, 02/12/2021. Available at: Deforestation in the Amazon drops by 70% in January, says government | Agência Brasil (ebc.com.br). Accessed on 02/22/2021.

Operation Verde Brasil 2 completes 6 months of operation. Government of Brazil, 11/11/2020. Available at: Operação Verde Brasil 2 completes 6 months | Government of Brazil (gov.br). Accessed on 22/02/2021.


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