Carbon offsetting: The individual revolution to save the planet


26 Sep Carbon offsetting: The individual revolution to save the planet

Climate change is before us as an urgent global challenge, demanding immediate and collaborative action. Amid large-scale government and corporate efforts, it is imperative to remember that each individual plays a vital role in finding solutions. In this context, Canopée emerges as a catalytic force, developing and managing innovative socio-environmental projects.

Canopée not only embraces the vision of meaningful change, but puts it into practice with projects that generate carbon credits, combating greenhouse gas emissions from companies and individuals. This approach is not only effective, but also tangible, providing a concrete way to contribute to a more sustainable tomorrow.

Growing public awareness of the issue is driving more individuals every day to voluntarily take responsibility for their emissions, resulting in a significant reduction of their carbon footprint.

Canopée"s mechanism allows individuals to “zero out” their daily greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. By calculating their carbon footprint, which includes emissions from multiple sources such as transportation, energy and consumption, each person can determine the percentage they want to reduce and/or offset. This is a real opportunity to positively impact the environment, starting with their own lifestyle.

The diversity of Canopée"s projects reflects its comprehensive vision of lasting sustainability. From planting trees to conserving forests, capturing and storing carbon and restoring degraded areas, Canopée leads tangible initiatives. By supporting these projects, Canopée’s clients not only offset emissions, but also directly contribute to GHG reduction, shaping a more sustainable future for all.

While offsetting is beneficial, real change comes with a transformation of everyday attitudes. Reducing consumerism, rethinking energy use, opting for sustainable transport and minimising waste are key to a truly sustainable life. Canopée emphasises the importance of the sum of individual efforts, which is essential to ensuring a sustainable future for future generations.

Join Canopée and Be Part of the Change

Every action counts, and Canopée invites everyone to join the individual revolution to preserve our planet. Let’s build a greener and more sustainable future together. Follow us to learn more about how you can make a difference.


Av. Pres. Juscelino Kubitschek, 1455 – 4º andar 04543-011 – São Paulo / SP

Brasília - DF

Viçosa - MG

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