News about the Atlantic Forest Connection


08 Feb News about Conexão Mata Atlântica

Throughout Brazilian history, the Atlantic Forest biome has been extremely exploited for various reasons, such as the opening of roads, the construction of cities, agricultural crops, the installation of pastures or simply through poorly controlled forest exploitation. The fact is that currently only about 7% of the original forest cover of the Atlantic Forest remains (GAMBARINI, n.d.). In addition, this biome corresponds to the most densely populated area in Brazil, which brings several environmental problems that can already be felt by those who live in the region “occupied” by the biome, such as lack of water, increased average temperature, loss of soil quality and decreased biodiversity.

Aware of this problem, the Atlantic Forest Connection Project has been working together with several fronts to try to recover and minimize the environmental pressure exerted on the biome, using a methodology that also aims to provide financial and productive rewards for those rural producers who participate in the project. Payment for environmental services is a key element for producers to engage in the project, since the financial incentive works as a stimulus, subsequently attracting other benefits to rural properties, such as the improvement and conservation of soil and water.

In the Zona da Mata region of Minas Gerais, where the municipality of Viçosa – MG is located, a city where part of the Canopée team lives, approximately 60 thousand seedlings of native and exotic species were planted between October 2020 and January 2021. This planting was carried out on 18 rural properties, and the number of seedlings planted is expected to increase in 2021. Therefore, if any rural property owner has a degraded area and wishes to participate in Conexão Mata Atlântica, simply follow the publications on the Finatec website, or on the project's own website (Conexão Mata Atlântica ( and submit the required documentation through the public selection notice.


GAMBARINI, Adriano. Atlantic Forest fights for survival. WWF Brazil. Available at: Atlantic Forest | WWF Brazil. Accessed on: 01/28/2021.

60,000 seedlings planted in Zona da Mata in a reforestation campaign by the Atlantic Forest Connection Project. G1 Zona da Mata, January 24, 2021. Available at: Zona da Mata has 60,000 seedlings planted in a reforestation campaign by the Atlantic Forest Connection Project | Zona da Mata | G1 ( Accessed on: 01/27/2021.

Av. Pres. Juscelino Kubitschek, 1455 – 4º andar 04543-011 – São Paulo / SP

Brasília - DF

Viçosa - MG

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