Strengthening Networks: Canopée's Commitment to Local Communities.


Since its founding, Canopée has prioritized building strategic alliances with local organizations as a central axis of its operations. These partnerships are essential for identifying the demands of communities surrounding the projects and developing social initiatives that promote positive impacts in a sustainable manner.

By joining forces with regional institutions and strengthening collaborative networks, Canopée enhances the implementation of actions aimed at environmental preservation and social development, ensuring that solutions are personalized, inclusive and aligned with local realities. Below, we highlight some of the initiatives carried out and the partnerships established, which demonstrate Canopée's commitment to integrated development in the Amazon region.

Joint Action: Schools, City Halls, Community

In 2024, Canopée reinforced its operations in the state of Acre with a visit to the surroundings of the Itxawá and Yuxibu II Projects, in Sena Madureira. The team, composed of the Operations Director, Gustavo Baêsso, and the GHG and REDD+ Project Analyst, Kaio Costa, carried out several actions aimed at strengthening the relationship with the local community and supervising the projects.

Consultations with stakeholders, such as representatives of the community and the municipal government, marked the trip, with a focus on understanding local needs and enabling partnerships. Technical inspections in the project areas confirmed compliance with REDD+ methodologies and fulfillment of the commitments made, reinforcing the transparency and quality of the actions implemented.

During a meeting with the City Hall of Sena Madureira, joint initiatives for the sustainable development of the region were discussed. The team also visited schools, promoting environmental awareness and identifying important demands, such as the need for school materials. In response, Canopée developed, with the help of an illustrator, two exclusive environmental education artworks, which will be used in notebooks for local students.

Direct dialogue with local residents was essential to hear concerns and suggestions, consolidating the relationship of trust and respect with the community. The visit reaffirms Canopée's commitment to sustainability and regional development, contributing to a fairer and more balanced future in the Amazon.

COOPERAR and Canopée

In 2023, Canopée signed a strategic agreement with the Agroextractive Cooperative of Mapiá and Médio Purus (COOPERAR), reinforcing its commitment to preserving the Amazon and strengthening local communities. This technical, administrative and financial partnership combines efforts to balance environmental conservation and social development.

COOPERAR, with 18 years of experience in the Amazon, promotes sustainable production activities, such as the sale of vegetable oils, nuts and rubber, benefiting family farmers and extractivists.

This alliance is the result of Canopée's immersion work in Acre, including visits to traditional communities and dialogues with local organizations, such as COOPERAR itself. Together, the institutions combine expertise to implement solutions that protect ecosystems and promote the well-being of Amazonian populations.

Agro com Elas and Canopée

Canopée has promoted strategic alliances in Acre to boost sustainability and local development, such as the partnership with Agro com Elas, an institution in Rio Branco – AC dedicated to technical assistance and consulting in the agricultural sector.

With the mission of encouraging the inclusion and permanence of women in agribusiness, Agro com Elas offers customized and innovative solutions, focused on economic, social and environmental sustainability.

The meetings between the Canopée and Agro com Elas teams allowed the exchange of experiences and the construction of joint strategies aimed at training producers, strengthening female participation in agribusiness and the adoption of sustainable agricultural practices.


Av. Pres. Juscelino Kubitschek, 1455 – 4º andar 04543-011 – São Paulo / SP

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Viçosa - MG

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